I can't believe how fast this year has gone. We say this every year but I'm sure each year really does go faster than the year before.
In some ways I feel as though I haven't done much this year but when I look back over the year I have done and achieved a lot.
The major thing for me was recuperating from the subarchnoid hemorrhage. The 28th March was a good day as it was the day I was given permission to return to 'normal' activities. It was like my life had been on hold up until then. I was now allowed to start driving again. I was also allowed to return to part time work and get back into my garden. Getting over the aneurysm hasn't always been easy. The surgery was painful and the recuperation period was long. I still find that I get tired and have some short term memory loss but I consider myself so lucky as I am alive and able to live a normal life.
Driving and gardening were temporarily put on hold again later in the year when I had cataracts removed. The first was removed on the 18th April and the second 11th June. Before having the cataracts removed was I classified as having night blindness which meant that I was not allowed to drive at night. I am now allowed to drive at night and only need glasses for reading.
Even though I had the subarchnoid hemorrhage and the cataracts removed overall it was a good year health wise for me. My psoriatic arthritis has been well controlled and I only had two admissions to hospital for asthma.
On the 28th March I also flew up to Canberra to meet Olivia Grace Drew and attend her dedication. I stayed with John and Sue and spent time with Josh & Ruth, Sarah and Hannah and had a meal with Jonathon, Melanie & Lachlan. It was good seeing everyone again and being able to go to Olivia's dedication.
When I returned from Canberra the next day I started back working at the factory. My boss had held my job open for me since December which was really nice but it also meant that I had four months of bookkeeping to catch up on. It was tiring working again and I found the conditions in the factory hard as the factory was so cold and dirty and my boss was hard to work for. In July I decided that it was time for me to leave and look for another job. Around the same time I was offered a job working three afternoons a week so I was able to resign from my job at the factory and start working for Computer Troubleshooters in Bayswater.
During the year I also continued to study for my Advanced Diploma in Accounting. I completed two subjects, passing both and deferred one subject until next year. I now only have three subjects to go until I finish my course. This year I have decided to only study one subject a semester. My class doesn't start until May so I'm enjoying not having to study for while.
This past year I have spent a lot of time on my two favourite hobbies. I have loved getting out into the garden and especially enjoyed growing my own flowers from seeds.
Quilting has been my main passion over the year. I decided earlier in the year that I wanted to make a 'remembrance' quilt for every member of my family. The quilts are all hand sewn and about 60 inches square. It's a big project to undertake but one that I am excited about doing.
I finished three quilts during the year. In January I finished a quilt for my mother and in October I finished my brother Peter's quilt as well as a matching quilt for his dog Harry. In December I finished my own quilt which I had started the year before. I have started Jacob's quilt and have the patterns and material ready to start quilts for Sarah, Hannah, Megan and Jacinta. I have chosen a pattern for Olivia but haven't collected the material yet and while I have an idea of a quilt for Rhonda I haven't found a pattern or material that I like.
I also started knitting again last year after not being able to knit for a few years because of the arthritis in my hands. In July I finished a 'Cowboy' cardigan for Lachlan and in October I finished matching cardigans for Sarah and Hannah and I've almost finished Olivia's cardigan to match Sarah and Hannah's.
In June I participated in a research project called 'The Everyday Creativity of Women Craftmakers' which is being conducted by the University of Victoria. The research involved interviewing women about their craft and what it means to them. It has been good to be involved in this project and looking back at the things I have made and what being able to make things has meant to me. I am looking forward to the exhibition in February and seeing the results of the research when the project is completed.
At the beginning of each year we all look back at the year past and make resolutions for the new year. I've looked back at what I have achieved and done over the past year and can think of so many new year resolutions that I could make however for me the only resolution I want to make is to continue to live one day at a time.