On Thursday I went to see the eye specialists at the Austin Hospital. I spent over two hours traveling on the trains and nearly 3 hours hours waiting to see the doctors. It's hard having so many appointments but rather than sitting doing nothing I try and make the most of the time traveling on trains and waiting to see the doctors sewing.
While waiting to see the doctors on Thursday I was sewing more blocks for Hannah's quilt totally unaware that I had an audience watching me until one lady came up and asked me what I was making and asked if she could show one of the blocks to her mother. The block was then passed around the waiting room with
It was interesting to see people, both men and women who had been sitting silently next to each other for nearly an hour start talking to each other. It was as though the room had suddenly come alive all because of a quilt.
In going to see the doctors at the Austin hospital I was hoping that I would finally have a diagnosis but that was not to be. I was told that that I had been sent to the Austin Hospital from the Eye and Ear Hospital as the doctors had expected to find an tumour or aneurysm however as my MRI results showed neither the cause is still unknown. My eyes themselves are healthy which apparently indicates a problem with the optic nerve. I am now waiting to see if I have to have more tests including another MRI and a lumber puncture. I'm also waiting for an appointment to see a neurologist to investigate if there is any damage to the optic nerve.
I feel a bit like I am in limbo waiting for a diagnosis so that I know what I have and what I can expect in the future.