I am so pleased to have finished sewing all the blocks for Jacob's quilt and last night finished sewing the top together. This is probably one of the hardest patterns I have had made so far. Each block has the central octagon which is then surrounded by 20 wedges. Each piece had to fit exactly into place otherwise the wedges would not fit together.
Laying the blocks out before stitching them in place was a challenge. I have used different fabrics for each octagon however the wedges have been made from cream and floral fabrics which have been used in different combinations in the blocks. When I was laying out the blocks I had to keep making sure that the cream and flora/patterned fabrics were not placed next to each other. After nearly an hour of moving blocks around I think I've managed not to place blocks with the same fabrics next to each other.
I've sewn all the blocks together and removed the cardboard templates. At the moment the quilt is laid out on the kitchen table ready for me to baste the batting and backing in place.
The quilt pattern in the book has circles 1 inch apart radiating from the centre of each block. I am not sure if I will be able to hand quilt as many circles as detailed in the pattern but I will give it a try.
I am really pleased with the way the top looks and can't wait until tomorrow afternoon to finish the basting and start quilting.