Today is the 1st January 2011 or as some people write 1/1/11.
Last night I thought about the year just past - it was full of personal challenges and ongoing health issues, happy & sad times, new and old things, work and holidays. In amongst everything I always had a craft project or two or three on the go.
Last night was also a time to think ahead to the new year. I have wishes, hopes and dreams for how I would like the year to be but I will take and embrace what comes to me as it happens - the good and the bad. I don't know what this year will hold for me but I do know that I will continue to work on my quilts and other craft projects.

I've started the year off by finishing a quilt and a needle felted beaver today. The beaver is the second one of an order I had from a guy who wanted a beaver on a key ring. I'm pleased with how it has turned out and hopefully it will suit it's purpose as a mascot for hiking through the Victorian Mountains.

I made my first ever quilt by machine! Yes - by machine!! I never thought I'd ever sew a quilt on a machine but this one is for some friends who I'd promised to make a quilt for their baby, Rillian when he was born.
Not only was Rillian's quilt sewn by machine I only used fabric from my stash and batting which was leftover from another quilt. I went through my boxes of fabric and took a big selection around to Rillian's parents and asked them to choose the colors that they liked. I wasn't sure how the quilt would look but am pleased with how it has turned out.

Charlie thinks the quilt isn't too bad either!
I really enjoyed making Rillian's quilt and feel inspired to make more quilts using up the fabric from my boxes. I might even make more by machine.
With Rillian's quilt and the beaver finished, my main priority for this year is to finish Jake's quilt and then the girls quilts. I am hoping to finish Sarah, Hannah and Olivia's quilts by the end of February so that I can take them up to Canberra after their baby sister is born.