My fourth beautiful great niece was born on the 12th February 2011 to my niece Ruth and her husband Josh.
I finished Jake's quilt just in time for his birthday on the 7th April. A few late nights getting it finished but it was worth it.
Easter 2011 is one I will never forget. On Friday (Good Friday) 22nd April at 3.25pm I received an email from a man. That email was the first of a few which were followed by phone calls and then meeting and having the most wonderful days together firstly at Healesville Sanctuary then Marysville. Lunch at Mary's cafe was followed by wonderful lunch at CloudeHill on the Friday.
Well... June 12th I turned 50! I decided that I wanted to celebrate my birthday this year as I had so much to be thankful for - being alive when really I should not have survived after my asthma attacks and the subarchnoid hemorrhage. I'd completed my Advanced Diploma after over 10 years of study, I have a wonderful circle of family and friends, a wonderful church & craft group and more recently I met my wonderful man.
I had a party with 40 friends in the coffee shop at TLC.