All the dolls are made from calico and then stuffed with a dacron filling. Some of the material for the clothes are 'left over' pieces from other projects while other pieces I brought specifically for the doll.
'Martha and Annie - Crafty Friends' were my first attempts of calico doll making. I found the pattern in a Patchwork and Stitching Magazine. In the book they were pictured together so I decided that I had to make both of the dolls and found some matching material to use for their dresses. For the hair of these dolls I used a boucle wool. The little dog and bear 'brooches' on the dolls are buttons that came from Peru.
'Betsy' was my third calico doll. I made her because I loved the bright colors of her dress and the woo
'Miss Primrose in her Garden' didn't quite turn out as the pattern intended. She was meant to be 60cm but someh
This bear is also made from calico and stuffed with a dacron filling. I call her 'Victoria Bear' but her pattern name is Samantha Bear.
Unlike the calico dolls this bear has a different finish to the material. The calico has been painted with a solution of Parisian essence to give it the brown color and then once I had embroidered the mouth and nose I painted everything with an all purpose sealer. When all the material was fully dried I then painted it all again using a Gloss varnish. This gave the bear a 'hard' wooden feel to it. I then made all the clothes and dressed the bear.
I haven't sewn any calico dolls for a while now but I've seen a lot of patterns in my quilting books of dolls that I would like to make one day.