Monday, April 5, 2010

Postcards from Paris - Block One

It has taken me a while to get started on the first block of my Postcards from Paris quilt.

I wanted to set aside a whole day just to work out the pattern, trace and cut the templates and cut the material. I also found reading the pattern very daunting and was wondering if I had bitten off more than I can chew with this pattern. I think this also didn't help me get started.

With a few days home over this Easter weekend I was able to set aside time and got started. I am really pleased with what I have been able to get done over the past couple of days.

I have traced all of the templates, washed the main fabrics used for the backgrounds on the blocks and have cut the fabric for the first block. I've also traced the layout for blocks one and two on the background.

Now that I have cut the fabric and traced the placement of the designs I think the applique of the pieces will be a lot easier.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hi Vicki! I jsut found the other blog you created for Lachlan's quilt. Thank you SO much! I saw the pictures on facebook after you called, but didn't realise there was a blog too :)You have been so busy ....I'll keep reading your blog now!