Monday, October 19, 2009

An update on my eyes

Last week I saw the eye specialists again. The field tests showed that I have lost more peripheral vision in both eyes however the results may have been compromised because the technician kept adjusting the machine during the tests.

I also had another electrical test to check the optic nerve which again showed that the optic nerve is not damaged.

I've been told by the specialist that it is unlikely that I will ever know what is causing my peripheral vision loss and that whatever it is there is no cure or treatment and I wont get the sight that I have already lost back. The doctor has also said that it is unlikely that I will loose all my sight but just how much I will loose is unknown.

Having regular tests, waiting months for appointments and still not having a definite diagnosis has been pretty stressful. After speaking to the specialist we have decided not to do any more tests for now. I will have the field tests repeated in six months time and if there is a further loss of peripheral vision then further tests will be conducted.

For now I am relieved and pleased to have a break from tests on my eyes for the time being. It is hard not knowing what the future holds with regard to my sight and it would be good to have a diagnosis and prognosis but for now it will be nice not to have to be thinking about what the next lot of field tests will show.

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