Sunday, February 14, 2010

Olivia's quilt 'Pretty in Pink'

I can't believe how fast I've sewn Olivia's quilt. I have sewn all the blocks together and have now started the first boarder. Having the fabric already provided and cut into squares saves so much time. I love the minke fabric used in the quilt - especially the rich deep pink colors and the softness of the minke fabric.

I am waiting for an operation on my hands. I have been diagnosed with 'severe carpal tunnel' syndrome which is causing me quiet a bit of pain, especially at night and aching in my hands and arms during the day. Since Christmas I have been finding it increasingly hard to sew as my hands go numb but I've kept sewing as much as I can. I have to have both hands operated on but will have the right hand done first as it's causing me the most grief.

It will be so good to have the operation however it will mean that I wont be able to sew for a few weeks afterwards which I am not looking forward to.

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