It's the 10th January 2012
already and I've started the year with lots of projects from last year to finish and new one started and others not far away.
Just in the last two weeks I have sewn a quilt top for Jessica, put the bindings on Lachlan's quilt ready for batting backing & quilting, sewn a quilt for a friend, brought material
for two new quilts and designed and sewed the first block of Lucas's quilt. Not a bad effort
for two weeks into the year!
One of the biggest changes for me this year with quilting is that I have
decided that machine sewing quilts is not so bad after all!
For Christmas I was given some vouchers so I am now the happy
owner of not one but two sewing machines. A little decadent but
it now means I have a machine for quilting and a machine for basic
sewing and repairs.
I finally bit the bullet and decided to put away my treadmill
which I haven't used properly in over two years (It's had more use as a
clotheshorse than a walking machine!) and make myself a sewing corner in the
back room.
My new sewing area. |
I am looking forward to another year of creating quilts for my family and friends and am excited to see what I make this year.