I can't remember ever having a bear as a child. I had lots of dolls -some big and most small but my favourite doll was meant to drink or cry but it didn't have the batteries - just a hole in it's back. I loved my dolls and loved dressing them up and taking them for walks. One day my father brought home a pram. It was old and rickety but I thought it was great as I used to dream of having a pram for my dolls. I didn't find out until years later that dad had got the pram from the local tip so that he could use the wheels on a billy cart and that I missed out on getting a brand new pram which was on lay by for Christmas that year.
Dolls weren't the only things that I used to love dressing up and taking for walks. I used to dress up my cats and take them for walks in the pram up the drive way. That is, until one day I was seen pushing my pram by a girl from school. Mindyou, I was 11 at the time and probaly a bit too old to be playing with prams even for those days! Thankfully for me, the girl didn't see that I had a cat dressed up in the pram. From that day on I stopped taking my dolls and cats for walks.

Anyway, back to the bear. As I didn't have a bear growing up I decided to make myself a big brown bear. He has a wonky ear and a funny shaped face but he is MY Big Brown bear and I really like him.
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